It All Started in 2019…

Say hello to the world’s first Hydroshirt, Vessel Athletics! We’re an innovative water wearable athletic brand that takes rehydrating to the next level. We’d like to drastically improve the experience of what it means to hydrate. Whether running, biking, or hiking, our proprietary design frees the hands of runners and athletes by incorporating a hydration pack into a lightweight, insulated, slosh-resistant shirt. The straw connected to the hydration pack provides runners with easy accessibility to their water supply without having to deal with the drawbacks of flimsy water belts and heavy hydration backpacks. Never be thirsty on the final stretch of your activity again, now you can #trainhydrated.

It all started a few years ago when Founder of Vessel Athletics, Jasmine Sanchez, failed to find innovative water wearable products for her to wear during long runs. Through trying it all — hydration backpacks, water belts, and traditionally holding a water bottle, the idea for Vessel Athletics, the World’s first Hydroshirt was born!

Our mission is to help runners compete at their maximum ability by equipping them with an on-the-go solution to rehydrating. Beyond developing a product we’re passionate about, we want to create a tight-knit and inclusive community of runners and athletes who push their limits to become better versions of themselves. No matter where you’re starting, we’re here to help you stay active to achieve your highest potential.

We will be launching on Kickstarter soon. TBD on the official launch date, but in the meantime, be sure to sign up to our email list: Home Page


Don’t Stop Running — Check out these virtual runs!